Friday, August 5, 2016

05/08/2016 - Buffs & Progress Tracking

Hi there,

I've been hard at work to make a nice buff system. I honestly finished it in a few hours, but decided it wasn't going to scale well so I made plans for a better one. The end result is much better, and if I ever want to code a new kind of (de-)buff it should be a piece of cake. So far it supports:
  • Targetting the player or the opponent
  • Buffs can have different effects (and can infinitely scale for more)
    • Damaging the player or opponent
    • Stunning the player / opponent
    • Increase the player's lust
  • Status rolls if the buff can be prevented by meeting certain requirements (break bindings with a high strength roll, for example)
    • Can show different messages based on the roll's success
After that I went and coded the lust-meter. For now it will reset after each fight, but I might make it so that it persists after combat. A counter-measure for this would be a salve to reduce lust-gain, higher intelligence, or masturbating (with or without companion).

I also started making plans for a neat parser so character creation isn't useless. It's completely fleshed out already, and I don't think it would be hard to code. The only thing I'm not sure of is how advanced I want to make it, since it does increase writing complexity by quite a bit.

I've also started writing the unfinished parts of the encounter with the engineer, but decided to make it a bit shorter than originally intended. It's still a fun little option I'd say. The next part that I want to write is the outside part of the city, if you can no longer enter it. Basically people will have set up camp there and set up shops. You'll also get your basic camping equipment here.

At some point I imagine I'll be increasing the difficulty of the engineer's quest and warn players that making a decision might lock you out of the city. This is because I have a lot more content planned for the city. I could also make it so you can't do the quest until you've done all the others.

I'm going to be adding a live patch tracker. I'll replace the current link with a link to a text file that I use to make notes as I'm working. This way you can see what I'm doing every day, and get some inside information if you're interested in that.

I guess I did have a question for anyone still reading; Would you want an offline (read, downloadable) version of the game? For now I don't really see a reason to do it, but I could do it in the future to make it easier for people to test custom content.

That's about it for now! Thank you for your time, hope you're having a wonderful day.

Sincerely Yours,

PS: I decided to give Free Cities (NSFW) a try; It's definitely worth a shot!


  1. A downloaded version would be pretty handy, specially for people with rocky internet, but whatever works for you the best. Don't overwork yourself.

    1. I hadn't really considered that for some reason, seems like a good reason for an offline version.

  2. It would be great to have a downloadable version, especially in some contries where internet isn't the best thing (like mine for example).

  3. Downloadable version would be suuuuper handy, loosing internet for a few days is a pretty common things, and or unstable connection when you have 50% change your internet fail to load an internet page, online game can be pretty tiring.

    Btw, service worker sounds like a really nice technology for that kind of jobs, through right now it's lacking support from edge and Apple.
