Wednesday, July 20, 2016

20/07/2016 - Talking about the next patch and Survey results, "Slime girls are melting??" -edition

Hi there,

Sheesh it's hot.

Anyway, let's start with the survey results. Honestly it's pretty much what I expected the results to be, but I'm glad I did it anyway. Thank you so much to the 133 people that completed it!

Survey Results

Would you like to have / mind having a fatique or stamina system
An overwhelming 78.6% didn't mind having the system as long as it's executed properly. Over time we'll probably tweak the stamina system a little bit and see if it has a place in the game. I just want to give players a little more incentive to actually survive/camp while surviving

How do you think the sub / dom system should work
Opinions were very divived here, with 3 options having about 25% of the votes. To sum it up, a dominance / affection system would work / be fine as long as the player still has control over it's actions in all cases. If the player does end up losing control, players would like to see this in the form of a seperate storyline.

For now I'm working on a system where the player does lose / gain control over it's companion, but aside from combat it doesn't have any affect on the storyline. This will not stay that way, but we'll take it one step at a time. (see patches notes)

What's your opinion on switch companions
49.6% wanted to be able to switch unless the player, depending on the companion, has reached a certain amount of submissiveness. 22.9% wanted to be able to switch between companions unless the player is completely dominated by it's companion.

I'll probably end up going with both, depending on the companion.

What's your opinion on m/m content
No suprise here. If you can turn it off there's no harm in adding it either way.

Upcoming patch

Potential Elf companion
I've been talking to BubbleLord on Fenoxo's forum, who's been working on a potential Elf companion. He's already writting quite a lot, but there's no eta on when we'll release her. Either way, at first she will be released as an encounter / battle in the forest. I'm looking forward to seeing her in-game!

Patch content
I haven't really talked about what exactly is in the new patch too much, so here's a few things I have finished working on:
  • You can no longer run from the tutorial fight in the sewers
  • Player now has a dominance / affection meter for every companion
  • Companion can perform random actions during combat
    • For now, it's an escalating chain of events that slowly lowers your dominance over your companion
    • Actions increase your lust during combat
    • Chance of a random action happening during a turn in combat are based on affection / dominance towards your companion. Low dominance increases chance significantly, while high dominance lowers the chance significantly. High affection lowers the chance slightly, and low affection increases the chance slightly
    • For example, it starts out with simple movements that the player starts to notice at times. This then slowly gets worse, so if dominance reaches the lowest possible value this can turn into full-on penetration during combat
    • Will add positive effects in the future based on high affection and dominance
  • Player has a lust meter that can trigger an auto loss during combat
    • I plan to expand this mechanic much more in the future, to give it an effect outside of combat
    • Enemy attacks and random actions from your companion during combat can increase lust
  • Shoggoth introduction scene
    • New companion I've been working on (mostly concepting)
    • For now, has a small introduction scene and that's about it. She can't fight for you, so she'll pretty much act like a "stalker" while you're traveling if you take her with you
    • I've got a lot of plans for her, but in the meantime she'll be cleaning your house and getting angry at the slime companion for making a mess
  • Entire new forest area, ending in a crossroads
    • I've got a story fleshed out for the forest, but I want to focus on finishing the current content as much as I can first. This means the forest will be empty in the next patch, but expect content in the following patch
That's all for now. Thank you all very much for your support so far, it's been great! I'll try to release the patch tomorrow, depending on how late I'll get home.

Sincerely Yours,


  1. Patch is ready for launch; added a few more things that are pretty nice. It's pretty late though, so I'll release it tomorrow after work.

    Thank you for your patience!
